Shubhshree mathur
As a kid we all loved to
Raid our fridge for a piece of meal
From the day before
As bachelors, our lunch cooked by
The maid, no matter how little it was
always had room for dinner as well....
Mummy's jugaad for school tiffin
To midnight food hunts
From laziness of a student
To the survival of a bachelor
To just sympathy eating for the poor fridge
We grew up on leftovers
So much so that
We grew to be
Our own leftovers
Leftovers of..
Something that u got
Only to be forgotten
Something that was marinated
Meant to cooked later
Something that was not touched
Meant to be relished someday
Something that was so good
U ate it all but hid a little portion away
Then one day u would open the fridge
To fetch some of it and find that
What u had left is now over